How to pick the perfect digital food safety and compliance management system, and what to be careful of?

Maybe you are around companies that already digitize their food safety system, and they brag about how they are innovative and competitive with it. But it might surprise you that not all systems implemented to those companies have all options for digitalization available?
And why is that? For the reason that they did not care to check other digital food safety systems that are “up to date.”

Digitalization is not stopping. This entails those systems should be frequently upgraded.  Such upgrades would necessarily involve innovations, better, faster systems, and more and more automatization options.
Paper systems are history – they do not provide transparency and ensure food safety in your company. If you still need to fulfil at least one paper sheet a day. Then you are not fully digitized.


So, when you choose a digital system, you must be careful which system you end up with. A system that was made a while ago or one that is newer? Of course, older systems are with more experiences, let’s say, but are you sure they are regularly updated? We encounter that older, don’t upgrade their systems, or do very rarely, but companies still choose the first ones because they have many clients and somebody recommended it. So, endeavour to research if the provider of food safety systems follows the latest trends and upgrades in digital systems with new modules constantly. Another suggestion is that find out if they have an indoor IT team of developers that can develop features on your behalf, need, wish… in a short time. The provider that listens to its clients and has the system that is “opened” (can be customized) is the one you should consider choosing.


Now we get to the part of the blog where we mention how customization is essential. Every organization works in altered ways that suit them best. Customization of the system does not require changing the way you do your processes, but the systems adapt to your organization’s work. So, switching to digital is easy and fast. Different restaurants and food businesses have diverse requirements for their food safety solutions. However, these businesses all share a common goal: saving time and still working in a simple, easy way.


Another variable you should be conscious of is price. Of course, digital system prices can vary by about 100€ monthly fee or even more if the payment is based on a number of users or subscribers. A cheaper system can offer less, but modules options are mostly too standard, not offering adequate support, and so on. Vice versa, a cheaper one can also be better than one more expensive. Don’t be blinded by all the references from clients, and rather pay attention to what they really offer for your organization’s needs.

What about the hidden small print of all the things you need to pay extra? Small print can have some additional charges you find out after signing contracts or just paying for an “end made” system (not a custom application, platform, web page). Or you find out that you need to pay extra for each user of the platform.

As we mentioned before, the most important thing is that that you have all the options at your disposal in one system feature. But what features do you need? Make a plan and list, ask the system provider.We recommend features like automatic temperature monitoring, automated reports, connection with audit modules, automatic core temperature, inventory control, and automatic order to suppliers, AI, and others.

But also pay attention to the fact that you don’t need all the features right now because businesses are continually expanding, and you may need some new features already existing with the system you chose in the near future.
But be careful and ask yourself if you need only digital HACCP, and you are not expanding your food business in any other way. What about when new people need to be brought in? This is also some kind of expansion, isn’t it? Did you think that you can train them all via a digital system, using online courses and exams with employee training schedules, and so on?


1. What do you want to change or archive by switching to a digital solution?

2. Other key points to consider are to ask yourself if you would benefit from better monitoring your employees?
The digital monitoring benefits allow you to:

  • Save managers’ time
  • Save staff’s time
  • Improve the food safety awareness of your employees
  • Ensure that all employees work to the same standard.

3. How many locations do you have? – If you have a lot of sites, you surely can’t have supervision on all. Is payment on locations? Can you get a discount on the number of locations? Etc.

4. How long do you operate? – If you don’t operate at least one day a week, or not at night, imagine not having your freezing system digitised, and breakage happens. How much loss would this cause, and so would I rather buy a digital system that can prevent this from happening?

5.  Do you need software, hardware, or both? What provider can offer me the best option personalised for me? -Some companies need an integrated solution with other programs used in your company.

6. Do you need MRPs, smart fridges, or just sensors, etc.? – Be careful and ask the provider if they can rent you the sensors.

Smart food safety management systems hold power to make your staff smarter. I hope we helped you with what to keep in mind before you purchase your new software. Don’t choose software that suits everyone else. Choose wisely because great systems are tailored to your business needs.

We can suggest, help you with the decision and present what we can offer to you. We are in step with time and constantly inquire about new things, test them and recognize on the market what suits you best. We tend to get to know your organization as well as possible and put together a personalized option.

How to switch to digital, step to step in another blog post. Till then don’t hesitate and write as an inquiry to and we will help you along the road.

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