As far as food compliance in the restaurants, it’s clear that kitchens are busy areas. The staff who prepare the meals have a lot of work to do in addition to cooking. The legal requirement to comply with daily paper checklists has a significant impact on productivity and time, also for managers that need to change incomplete records. In addition, paper documents require storage space and preparation time when inspection visits. It is known that the traditional HACCP plan requires a lot of paperwork.

And it’s not just about restaurants. And it’s not just about restaurants. The same goes for Food production, Retails, Kindergartens, School, Street foods, Hospitals, Retirement Homes, Service Stations, Bakeries, Butchers…

Not enough big reason to use a digital HACCP system? Here are 5 more reasons:

– Efficiency: Digital documents are much easier to manage, store and load than paper ones. Availability of documents for access and sharing with customers regardless of location improves team performance and delivers a better user experience.

– Flexibility: No full shelves and cabinets that are spread all over the office, as paperless business requires much less space. The staff needed to handle large amounts of business investment during peak times or during business expansion is difficult to measure, while in the digital environment this is an easy task.

– Environmentally friendly: Reduced printing means fewer trees to cut down to form paper. Reduced is also fuel and release emissions when changing your locations.

– Faster communication: Once digitized, the documents are immediately available where needed. Tasks are planned and communicated among your staff with a single click.  

– Backup and restore documents: Replace a paper document if it is damaged or defective. In a paperless office, documents are stored electronically for simple and easy backup to a remote server that securely stores your essential data.

Oh, and that is not it. There are several other reasons why, such as quicker training of your staff, saving time, the mark of quality for your brand, cost reduction, improved performance, etc… 

Don’t hesitate and say changes are hard, well from all the reasons listed above, is way harder keeping the paper HACCP system.  Investing in digital food safety software NOW gives you the confidence to manage safe food in the most meaningful, safe, and efficient way and get the rating you deserve! The choice is yours. 

INQUIRIES: info@morefromfood.com

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